The Role of Analysis Phase of SDLC for Small Scale Business Application- A Review

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Irfan Ahmad Khan
Dr. Dipti Kumari


Software quality completely depends on various phases of SDLC. When we referred to the term “Software quality” it means well analysed and completely defined software according to the user requirements. The different phases of SDLC play a vital role in software development. Selection of correct model and implementation of all its attributes is the basic for any good quality software. Number of studies and model has been proposed to check the quality of good software. The objective of this paper is to present a review on the role of analysis phase of SDLC for small scale business application. And also, the reasons why small scale businesses are not trying to accept software in their business practice. During the review process we found analysis phase is the most important phase which is actually the base factor of any good quality based software either used by small, medium or large scale based business application


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How to Cite
Irfan Ahmad Khan, & Dr. Dipti Kumari. (2021). The Role of Analysis Phase of SDLC for Small Scale Business Application- A Review. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, ENGINEERING, SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT, 2(01), 63–75. Retrieved from


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