Quality of Work Life of Teachers in Higher Educational Institutions: Challenges & Wellness-A Comparative Study- Pre & Post Pandemic in the twin cities of Odisha (Cuttack & Bhubaneswar)
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The Quality of Work Life of Teachers is a Global problem. Teachers are seeds of the Knowledge Society. The teaching fraternities in Higher Educational Institutions & Universities in India have been anxiously waiting since long to see the wellness light at the end of the Tunnel. Moreover blessing in disguise the Covid-19 Pandemic has catalyzed the digitization process in India’s Education System affecting the Quality of Work Life of Teachers despite “Work from Home”. India is no exception to the challenges of Digital Revolution in Education System breeding unhappiness, anxiety, burnout, stress and mental health. The importance of up-skilling and reskilling due to technological disruptions was also felt in the Education Sector aftermath the Covid-19 Crisis. The Law of Layoffs for teachers was very pathetic and painful in India.
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