Commercial cultivation procedure of Chironji (Buchanania cochinchinensis (Lour.) M.R. Almedia): A money spinning native tree species of India
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Chironji (Buchanania cochinchinensis) is a minor fruit crop which is generally found as wild population in the forests of Indian subcontinent. The species has immense potential to be cultivated as commercial crop and fetch handsome monetary returns. Although there is increasing demand for the produces of Chironji in both national and international markets, proper package and practices for its commercial cultivation has not been standardized till date in India. The economic importance and potential to fetch foreign exchange has not been communicated properly to the locals and forest dwellers. The indiscriminate and illicit felling of the species leads to its extinction. It is already enlisted as a vulnerable (VU) species in the IUCN red data list and immediate attention is required for its conservation and improvement. Very few organized researches have been done for using the species as a commercial crop in the country. This article encompasses the previous studies on Chironji for its cultivation and improvement and directs as an organized guide for taking up its commercial cultivation. This article will also help in devising the breeding strategies for genetic improvement and conservation of its diverse germplasm.
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