Thermal Performance of Inclined and Transverse Wire Solar Air Heater
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This paper presents an analytical investigation on the been carried out to study the heat transfer and friction characteristics by using a combination of inclined as well as transverse wire on the absorber plate of a solar air heater. The Analytical investigation encompassed the Reynolds number (Re) ranges from 3000 to 14000, relative roughness pitch (p/e) 10–30 and relative roughness height (e/D) 0.0135-0.0225. The effect of these parameters on the heat transfer coefficient and friction factor has been discussed in the present paper and correlations for Nusselt number and friction factor has been developed within the reasonable limits. A procedure to compute the thermal efficiency based on heat transfer processes in the system is also given and the effect of these parameters on thermal efficiency has been discussed .transverse wire has been used to enhance heat transfer coefficient. By providing artificial roughness it has been concluded that there is an improvement of heat transfer coefficients which results increase in pumping power, pressure drop and high value of thermal performance.
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