Vivekananda’s Concept of Social Reform
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Swami Vivekananda was a great thinker and reformer of India. He was an Indian Philosopher of the modern times. He introduced Indian Philosophy of Vedanta. He focussed on the practicality of the theory and believed in Karmayoga. Vivekananda applied Philosophy of Advaita Vedanta to build humanity and spirituality. He believed in learning from the past mistakes and going forward from the good. He was against the “Caste system” and the “Practice of untouchability”. Vivekananda believed in ‘Gender Equality’ and ‘Education of Women’ as an instrument for human betterment. According to him, strength is goodness, weakness is sin. So he emphasised on the proper care of the body and healthy development. He stressed on reorientation of the Education System and the integrated development of the human personality in the order: body, mind and heart. He wanted to abolish poverty and remove mass illiteracy. Vivekananda wanted to bring social change through Spirituality and Vedanta.
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Complete works of Vivekananda Vol. 3 – Vivekananda
Builders of modern India- N.K.R.V. Rao
Patriot Saint Vivekananda- Tarini Shankar
Swami Vivekananda: The man and his mission- Sanat Kumar Rai Chaudhary
Vivekananda and Synthesis of World Religions- Saraswati Mishra