Analysis of Residue of Pesticide Sprayed on Lady’s Finger Before and After Washing with “Vishaghna Dravyas” (Antitoxic Fluids)
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Due to the potential harmful & toxic effects of pesticide to other non-targeted organisms than pests and diseases the presence of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables is a concern for consumers. Some of the pesticides are persistent and therefore remain in the body causing long term exposure. With reference to an earlier study Lady’s finger is supposed to be the most contaminated vegetable with residues of 18 pesticides belonging to organophosphate class. The washing of fruits &vegetables with water or soaking in solutions of salt and some chemicals e.g. chlorine, chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, acetic acid, hydroxyl peracetic acid, iprodione and detergents are reported to be highly effective in reducing the level Nof pesticides. So the objective of the present investigation, wasto evaluate the efficacy of Rock Salt solution and Vinegar Water for removal of pesticide residue from lady finger, after soaking it for 2-4hrs rendering it safe for consumption. Reduction in residual content of malathion pesticide from lady finger after washing with distilled water, rock salt solution and vinegar solution was considered in present study. Qualitative analysis of malathion was done by HPLC method the retention time of malathion was found to be 2.825±0.3, and in given sample the retention time in water (2.072) and RS (2.559) was found similar to malathion (2.825) retention time, which confirm the presence of malathion in given water and RS (Rock Salt) sample. The outcomes of the present investigation encourages use of rock salt solution and vinegar solution for cleaning of fruits & vegetables in order to reduce the harmful chemical pesticide residues, where S Aaindhav lavanjal (Rock salt solution) has proved to be the best medium as compared to distilled water and vinegar solution in present study.
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