The Importance of Personal Value: A Need of Present Society
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Value education means inculcating in the children a sense of humanism that would build the nation and bring back to the people pride in work that brings order, security and assured progress. In modern era of competition and survival we observe laxity in moral values. Industrialization has led to the emergence of high life style and raised the standard of living of people. It has made man rich in materialistic sense but deteriorated the ethical fibber in the society. People crave for money, power and pelf. They are ready to jeopardize the interest of other people in pursuit of their selfish gains. Corruption in religious, economic, social, educational field is rampant. We come across many social evils in the society. In the present educational system the main emphasis is giving on science and technology oriented education rather than value education. Spiritual values, social values, moral values and religious values are being neglected. Value suffers when too much emphasis is giving on materialistic satisfaction. The present paper is an attempt to state the importance of value education in the present education system so that the future generations will nourish high ideals and values to contribute in the development of the society and the role of a teacher in imparting values.
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