Social Realism Reflect in the Work of Amitav Ghosh and Vikram Seth
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‘’Realism in literature is a manner and method of depicting life, as it really is untouched by idealism or romanticism’’ - the dictionary of literary terms by coles.
Realism in literature is a term which began in the eighteenth century and flourishes in the nineteenth century. The word ‘’ social’’ refers to the people in society and ‘’realism’’ refers to these people were interpret in each medium.Social realism is a term used for work produced by painter, writer, photographer, film maker, who expressed their artistic feature in visual and other realistic art which depict the real socio-political condition, racial injustice, economic hardship and picture of life struggle.Writers like Balzac, Flaubert, George Eliot, Daniel Defoe, Henry Fielding, Tobias Smollett, Laurence Sterne and Jane Austen reflect the real picture of life in their work. Amitav Ghosh and Vikram Seth they both woven social reality in their narrative work.They paints the ills as well as the boons of the social life around.
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