Surface Water turbidity removal through sustainable approaches: A minireview
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Surface water availability for drinking and domestic use purposes is rarely available in good conditions. Chemical coagulants are availablebut with side effects.This canbe overcome usingnatural coagulants or biocoagulants found easily and cheap with no operational cost. Natural coagulants are utilized alone or addition to coagulant aids to remove turbidity.The literature findings support thedomestication of biocoagulantsfrom time immemorial by African community and other rural people. Different plants parts like seed, bark, leaves, roots are used as biocoagulant device due totheir polyelectrolyte nature ad interaction with dissolved substances in water. A review of the potentiality of these plants like Moringaoleifera, Cicerarietinum
P ovata, Jatrophacurcas, Azaradichtaindica, Strynospotatoriumas biocoagulants with respect to turbidity removal has been discussed.
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