“A Geographical Analysis On The Relationship Between Coastal Ecotourism And Environmental Issues Of Concern And Sustainability: A Case Study Conducted In Digha, West Bengal, India

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Madan Santra
Dr. Sheetal Topno


Coastal tourism is always an attractive tourist destination and has increased the economic growth. However, the coastal areas are now exposed to deterioration due to lack of balance between tourism activities and natural environmental actions. Development of sustainable ecotourism practices is the only way to solve the problem. Creating public awareness regarding the adverse consequences of unplanned mass tourism activities in the region is the paramount step toward achieving sustainability. This study explores the environmental impacts of unplanned tourism activities in a very popular coastal tourism destination, Digha in West Bengal, India. SWOT analysis is performed to analyse the various effects of tourism. The study evaluates the existing mass tourism pressure and ways to implement sustainable ecotourism practices, to enhance tourism in Digha.


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How to Cite
Madan Santra, & Dr. Sheetal Topno. (2024). “A Geographical Analysis On The Relationship Between Coastal Ecotourism And Environmental Issues Of Concern And Sustainability: A Case Study Conducted In Digha, West Bengal, India. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, ENGINEERING, SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT, 5(1), 15–24. https://doi.org/10.59364/ijhesm.v5i1.273


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