A Study on the Competencies of Preservice Secondary Teachers to Enhance the Achievements of the Students in Learning English

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Ramya Das
Dr. Santanu Biswas
Madhu Kumari


The capacity to communicate effectively in English is crucial for pupils in today's worldwide society. Teachers of English who are themselves proficient in the language may do wonders for their pupils' linguistic growth and academic success. Their knowledge and hard work provide an engaging and encouraging educational environment, giving pupils the tools they need to develop their language abilities to their full potential.

The purpose of this research is to identify the competencies so that successful English pre service teachers use it to help their students to become better language users and achieve to greater academic achievement. Thus this study will provide insights that can positively create an impact on language learning outcomes and enrich the educational experiences of students in the English language classroom.

This is a qualitative research. The study's researcher collected the information from number of sources on best practices organized by school to inculcate values. Capturing the depth, nuance, and surrounding circumstances of the topic at hand is a primary goal. This approach seeks to understand context of competencies of English pre service teachers to enhance students' achievement in English. Thus a qualitative methodology provides valuable lens to gain insights into the multifaceted nature of effective teaching practices. Moreover, this study will explore the interplay between these competencies that can create a harmonious and enriching educational experience for students, promoting deeper grasp of the English language. The outcomes of this investigation have major consequences for teacher preparation programs. Pre service teachers will be better to accommodate the students' wide range of demands and achieve greater results in language learning if these competencies are included into their training. As a result of this study's findings, the teaching methods will be improved for the benefit of students learning English language. It will illuminate the essential qualities and pedagogical strategies that will foster productive learning environments in English language classrooms. Effective language education requires wide range of competencies, including not just a command of the target language but also of its pedagogical content, classroom management, student differentiation, technological integration, and cultural awareness. By adopting these competencies, pre service teachers will help students to develop language proficiency that will serve them well in school and beyond.


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How to Cite
Ramya Das, Dr. Santanu Biswas, & Madhu Kumari. (2023). A Study on the Competencies of Preservice Secondary Teachers to Enhance the Achievements of the Students in Learning English. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, ENGINEERING, SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT, 4(2), 109–124. https://doi.org/10.59364/ijhesm.v4i2.270


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