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In the stretch of Digha to Petuaghat coastal area of Purba Medinipur district, W.B. is a progressive geomorphic unit. Coastal area includes of land-sea interaction with complex geo-environmental emplacement. Here many geomorphic processes (sea wave, wind, flood, shifting of sand dune, shifting of shoreline, salt water invasion etc.) show and which are most determinant to change of landuse pattern, agricultural practice and Ecotourism. Now agricultural land, fishing land, grazing land, forest land, recreational land and also settlement are changing due to various coastal geomorphic process. Crop cultivation, horticulture, aquaculture are affected due to action of geomorphic hazards. Eco-tourism means tourism based on an interest in observation of nature. This coastal tract is an attractive tourist place where large number of tourists can rejuvenate yourself in the company of sea, sand and sun in the agreeable open air.So greater pressure of tourist puts more pressure on environment which also put harmful effect on coastal biodiversity. If the development of tourism industry is not properly planned and managed, tourism itself produces a myriad of negative effect include the every tourist destination.
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