Exploring the Prevalence of Psychological Distress And Burden Among Parents of Children of Mentally Retarded Children

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Jayanta Mandal
Dr.Santanu Biswas
Madhu Kumari


This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by parents of children with intellectual or developmental disabilities. By acknowledging their experiences and providing targeted support, we can work towards improving the well-being of these parents and promoting a more inclusive and compassionate society that values their contributions and recognizes the resilience they demonstrate in the face of adversity. This qualitative research study aims to explore the prevalence of psychological distress and the burden experienced by parents of children with intellectual or developmental disabilities, formerly referred to as "mentally retarded." These parents face unique and multifaceted challenges in caring for their children, and understanding the nuances of their experiences is essential for providing targeted support and interventions. The findings of this study reveal a high prevalence of psychological distress among parents in this population. Parents consistently expressed feelings of stress, anxiety, and emotional exhaustion. The burden they experience is multifaceted, encompassing emotional, physical, practical, and social dimensions. Caregiving demands, concerns about the future, financial strain, and social isolation were among the significant factors contributing to their distress and burden. he prevalence of psychological distress and burden among parents of children with intellectual or developmental disabilities highlights the critical need for tailored support services and interventions. These may include accessible mental health services, respite care, financial assistance, parent education, and efforts to reduce societal stigma.


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How to Cite
Jayanta Mandal, Dr.Santanu Biswas, & Madhu Kumari. (2023). Exploring the Prevalence of Psychological Distress And Burden Among Parents of Children of Mentally Retarded Children. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, ENGINEERING, SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT, 4(2), 42–52. https://doi.org/10.59364/ijhesm.v4i2.258


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